Morgins (Suisse)

Morgins · Troistorrents

Morgins : a familiy ski resort in Switzerland A swiss ski resort

Want to try something out of the ordinary? Discover the ski Safari throughout the Portes du Soleil , or zoom down the Géant slope in a gravity-powered kart! Your children will be delighted by the postcard setting in which they take their first ski lessons. Remember when you were a kid? snowball fights followed by delicious hot chocolate in the bars and restaurants of the resort.

The nighthawks will certainly appreciate the atmosphere in the bars, restaurants and the disco. A variety of musical and sports events are planned throughout the season.

Ski and snowboard across borders throughout the fabulous international ski area and schuss back to the heart of the resort ! Morgins also offers 80 Km of marked snowshoe, walking trails, horse riding and cross-country trails, making it an ideal destination to discover nature in all its preserved splendour, a unique territory and a change of pace allowing time for alpine daydreams.



  • Spielplatz
  • Picknick
  • Veranstaltungssaal
  • Tennisplatz
  • Öffentliche Toiletten
  • Wohmobilstandplatz
  • Wohnmobil-Servicestation
  • Boarder cross
  • Snowpark
  • Slalomstadium
  • Nordic parc
  • Wintercamping
  • Diskothek
  • Eisbahn
  • Taxi
  • Kinderhort

Nützliche Links


Route de Bas-Vièze 4CH - 1875MorginsSuisse
Route berechnen