Cantonal Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife Service


Welcome to the Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife Service for the Canton of Valais!

Our missions are:

To preserve species and biotope diversity, to ensure the careful balance within populations of wild fauna, to manage these populations in accordance with hunting and fishing laws.

To restock waterways for fishing.

To prevent and repair wildlife damage to forests, crops and livestock.

To inform and educate the authorities, the population, youth and other partners on wildlife.

To contribute to research.

Opening hours

Every day throughout the year.
Closed Saturday and Sunday.
Office canton du Valais in Sion (Rue Traversière 3):
Monday to Friday 8.30am-11.30am and 2pm-4.30pm

Fishing licences for sale during fishing season at RDDM tourist offices.



  • Car park


Route de Bas-Vièze 4CH - 1875MorginsSuisse
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