The Portes du Soleil area offers 600 km of mountain bike trails between Switzerland and France. Discover the routes proposed in Region Dents du Midi with the GPS tracks we propose below. These accessible loops criss-cross the domain and link the region’s resorts, mainly using 4×4 tracks and secondary roads. Along the way, you’ll come across ‘DH’ variants offering you the chance to ride down the tracks of our bike park, and also trails to explore where hikers and mountain bikers live side by side.
Good to know
You can also consult our map of the mountain bike and e-bike routes in the region with the locations of the charging points for electric mountain bikes. The map is also available in our Tourist Offices.
This new route varies between mountain pasture roads and forest paths. Your calves will get a little warm as you climb the forest road to La Foilleuse. But the reward is the new MTB-enduro route back down via Pertuis Chétrain and Bonavau.
Bonavau MTB trail
02h3021.2 km830 m830 m
This easy, blue trail is a 15.3 km loop with 500 m climbing.
E-Bike parcours 01: Champéry – Val-d’Illiez
01h4522.7 km560 m560 m
From the center of the resort of Champéry, discover the Plateau de Barme and the refuges that mark the summer season.
E-Bike parcours 02: Champéry – Barme
02h3021.7 km740 m740 m
An 8.4 km-long green route with 360 m climbing on paved roads, this easy itinerary is suitable for cyclists of all ages and abilities.
E-Bike Parcours 03: Champéry – Sur Cou
01h008.3 km380 m380 m
This easy, family-friendly blue route covers 14.2 km with 300 m climbing, mostly on gravel 4×4 tracks and paved roads.
E-Bike parcours 04: Champoussin – Champéry
01h2014 km330 m910 m
This easy, green loop covers 11.8 km with 400 m climbing on gravel 4×4 tracks and paved roads.
E-Bike parcours 05: Morgins – Vallon de They
01h2012.1 km390 m390 m
A pretty loop starting from Morgins or Champoussin, passing over the Portes du Soleil pass and numerous mountain pasture restaurants.
E-Bike parcours 06: Morgins – Champoussin
02h4525.2 km940 m940 m
The ‘Grand 8’, French jargon for a roller-coaster, is a 47 km route in the shape of a giant figure 8, designed especially for rechargeable e-bikes.
E-Bike parcours 08: Grand 8 – Morgins-Champéry
04h0046 km1859 m2040 m
This blue loop straddles the Franco-Swiss border, is a cool route for a hot day, as it passes by several pristine alpine lakes between the villages of Morgins (CH) et Châtel (FR).
E-Bike Parcours 20 : Morgins – Châtel
02h3018.2 km618 m618 m
This blue loop, 19.5 km long with 650 m climbing, is perfect for cycling foodies!
E-Bike parcours 24: Morgins – Chanso
01h4519.3 km710 m710 m
Enjoy the Portes du Soleil mountain biking experience and take advantage of the lifts to discover the Franco-Swiss area!
Short tour of the Portes du Soleil (starting from Champéry)
04h0070 km4050 m4050 m